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Women Empowerment Day

Happiness in times of crisis
Create inner & outer order
Find peace within yourself & with the world

Happiness in times of crisis
Create inner & outer order
Find peace within yourself & with the world

. Happiness in times of crisis

. Happiness in times of crisis

How do I get into my order?
How do I deal with pain?
How do I stay in peace?

This one-day workshop is about inner and outer order. You will learn how to be at peace in times of crisis – within yourself and with the world.

Look forward to a programme with dance, music, cacao, couple exercises, systemic work and strengthening/healing processes.

FRI, 18 November 2022
15:00 to 21:00 | Focus 1070 Vienna

Price: 99€

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Women's Agenda

- Activate your resources
- Show yourself in your depth
- Allow yourself to be vulnerable
- Create inner & outer order
- Accept pain & grief - HEAL!
- Dance yourself into liberation & freedom


Dive into your subconsciousness!



In times of crisis it is more important than ever to be grounded, centred and at peace. Order within also helps you to find order on the outside, as well as radiate outwards, so that you as a woman can be a lighthouse and a contribution in shaping the new earth!

The vulnerability of a woman is not a weakness, but a strength! Show yourself fully and completely. Draw strength from within and connect with Mother Earth and the women in the circle! -We support, hold and strengthen each other! So that (your) life moves on well!

Come and activate your resources and your femininity! For more contentment and happiness in everyday life! ☺

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Soul Agenda

— Be crazy
— Discover hidden potentials
— Manifest your dreams
— Work with your inner child
— Meet your true self

A reboot of your femininity. Deep grounding and connection. Leave everything old behind you

Upcoming Women Retreats

Let go of the old & activate your inner colorful core and your full life energy!

Upcoming Hypno Healing Workshops

Show yourself in your full strength. Embrace your vulnerability. Live your wisdom and intuition.

Upcoming Women Circles

Business & Soul Coaching, Heart & Soul Coaching or private hypnosis sessions. Individually or as a package - online, in nature and at my coaching practice in Vienna.

More about Coaching

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